Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Hello anyone who may have somehow stumbled onto my page. As you can see I'm new to blogging and do not really have a following or a huge amount of knowledge. So now you may be thinking why should I keep reading this blog? Who is this guy? What is the purpose for all this? Well I'm just an average guy, who as the years have gone by has been increasingly more and more involved in reading comics and learning more about them as well. I'm not the best writer, even though I was the News Editor for my school paper, but I am an honest guy who just wants a place to put my opinions and hopefully get some feedback. I try to read comics everyday and seeing as I am pretty behind compared to people who usually do these kinds of things my goal is to try and read and learn as much as I can. I am a huge DC fan but read Marvel as well and I am currently trying to find some indie stuff to read as well. Like I said before I am pretty much still just scratching the surface of comic books and the universe they create, I would be more than happy to read and respond to opinions anyone post on blog and any suggestions people give me for what I should read or some stuff to check out. This blog hopefully will help show my journey from a novice comic book reader to someone with some know how and a "seasoned vet." My plan for this is to post my opinions on the stuff I read and watch, and hopefully get some feedback on my opinions and see what other people think. Hope you enjoy this blog and enjoy my journey. Do not know really how to end these bye until next time? That'll have to do.

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